Our 2020 scholarship recipients:
Good morning everyone, my name is Maria Celeste Rivera Lopez. I am 16 years old and I am starting my studies in Civil Engineering. I want to thank the students, teachers, parents and all people involved in the partnership between The Study and Diria Institute, and who make possible the scholarship program. The opportunity you have given me will help me and my family grow. I guarantee that during my studies, I will do everything I can to obtain an excellent academic performance. I just want to say thank you!
Good morning, my name is Francis Nicol Rivas Rios. I am studying Computer Science Engineering. I want to give infinite thanks to the students, teachers, and parents for this support you are providing me to move forward and be someone in this life. God sent me some angels who are all of you, as you are supporting me with this scholarship that you awarded me. I give infinite thanks. I promise you that I will spend the next 5 years obtaining high grades. Thank you very much, have a good day!
Our 2019 scholarship recipients:
Jilamara Vanessa Herrera Estrada
Good morning, my name is Jilamara Vanessa Herrera Estrada and I give thanks first to God and The Study School for providing this scholarship that will fund my studies (in Dentistry). I promise that I will get good grades and not let you down. My goal is to complete my studies and become a great professional to help my community. Thank you very much, I feel very happy and grateful. I know I can succeed with your help and my hard work. Thank you again, it will be an honor to complete my studies and say that it was possible with your help.
Jennifer Noelia Cardenas Rios
Good morning, my name is Jennifer Noelia Cardenas Rios. I want to thank The Study for allowing me to win a scholarship as this will help with my studies and to help me get my family out of poverty. I promise I will get good grades and fulfill my service to the community. When I finish my studies, I will be able to help my community with the knowledge I gained at the university. Thank you.
Shirley Denelia Cardenas Rios
My name is Angela Patricia Dominguez Barrios. I am very happy to be one of the winners of the 2019 Scholarship. I want to thank Ella and her family for giving me the opportunity to study Medicine, such that once I finish my studies, I will be able to help low-income individuals of my community. I give you infinite thanks for this opportunity and I promise that I will not let you down, and I will finish my medical career with excellent grades. Thank you, thank you very much.
Our 2018 scholarship recipients:
Our 2017 scholarship recipients:
News from Geysel (2016 Graduate in Nursing):
Geysel and her team presented their research for their thesis (“Labor and Life Conditions for Sex Workers in the Pancasan Area of Masaya”) at their Nursing Program’s Research Fair. Their team and project won first place!
Their team went on to compete at the level of the entire Faculty of Health (Nursing, Physiotherapy, Nutrition, Anesthesia, Bioanalysis, Microbiology, etc). Out of 132 short-listed projects, theirs received first place again! Their win was featured on the Faculty’s website and the team received certificates. In November, her team presented their award-winning research at a national conference for all of the best projects from the Health Faculties of different universities across Nicaragua.
From Geysel:
“I am infinitely grateful to The Study and to all the parents of the school’s community who had the kind heart and love to help me. Thank you, because their help changes the lives of all the scholarship recipients. It made a change in my life, and now that I will receive my university degree, I can aspire to better things. I plan to keep studying to educate myself and learn more. I really know that reaching this point of success in my life is thanks to all of you. Thank you for always believing in me and giving me your confidence. Thank you for having the love to want to help other people, it not only changed my life but also my family’s life. I will always be grateful to you.”
Notes of thanks from our 2016 scholarship recipients:
From Candalaria:
Muy Buenos Dias.
En esta mañana tan bonita quiero agradecerle a Dios por la vida, y a todas las estudiantes y profesores del Colegio The Study por haber depositado en mi su confianza y darme la beca 2016 para concluir mis estudios de Banca y Finanzas.
Mis padres y yo estamos muy agradecidos, me siento alegre y bendecida. Les prometo que trabajare por obtener alto rendimiento academico en mis estudios y cumplir con las condiciones del contrato de la Beca.
On this beautiful morning I want to thank God for my life. I also want to thank all of the students and teachers at The Study for instilling confidence in me and giving me the 2016 scholarship so that I can conclude my studies in Banking and Finance. My parents and I are very grateful; I feel happy and blessed. I promise that I will work hard to obtain a high average in university and be up to par with the terms and conditions of the scholarship contract.
Sincerely, Candelaria
From Ethel:
Buenos dias a toda la Comunidad del Colegio The Study, soy Ethel Aleman. Deseo expresarles mi agrademiento a todas ustedes estudiantes, docentes y padres de familia tanto de Canada como de aqui de Diria, Nicaragua que me motivaron a obtener esta beca. Estoy contenta de ser una de las bendecidas y seleccionadas en este año 2016, para mi es un orgullo saber que contare con el apoyo de todos ustedes, mis padres y principalmente Dios. Quiero ser en un futuro una Psicologa de exito, para ayudar a mi comunidad, mis padres y toda persona que necesite de mi ayuda.
Me despido de ustedes diciendoles nuevamente:
Gracias Dios por la fortaleza y valentia que me da ser una buena aluma. Gracias por esta oportunidad, prometo que aprovechare esta beca lo mas posible y dare notas excelentes. Estoy segura se sentiran orgullosos de mi.
Good morning to the entire Study School community; I’m Ethel Alema. I wish to express my gratitude towards all of the students, teachers and parents, from Canada as well as from here in Diria, Nicaragua, who motivated me to obtain this scholarship. I am happy to be one of the blessed chosen [for the scholarship] this year 2016. I am proud to know that I can count on you all, my parents, and especially God, for support. In the future, I want to be a renowned psychologist, helping my community, my family, and any other person in need.
I say goodbye with these words:
I thank God for the strength and the courage that being a good student has given me. Thank you for this opportunity; I promise that I will make the best of this scholarship and that I obtain excellent grades. I am certain that I will make you proud.
Greetings, Ethel
Videos from the parents of our recent graduates:
Messages from our graduates:
From Bernarda:
Reciban saludos cordiales.
Me dirijo a ustedes para manifestarles mi enorme agradecimiento hacia cada una de ustedes, ya que por su valioso trabajo, esfuerzo, compromiso y dedicación a la beca Margaret Gascoigne, he logrado culminar con éxito mis estudios universitarios, que significan para mí una oportunidad imprescindible para desarrollarme como profesional en beneficio de mi familia y comunidad. Nos encontramos en la era del conocimiento, en donde sólo las personas que tienen altos niveles de estudios, pueden acceder a empleos mejores remunerados, y hoy gracias a ustedes, tengo los conocimientos que me abren puertas para luchar en el mercado laboral que se torna cada vez más competitivo, por esto estaré toda mi vida en deuda con ustedes porque me permitieron que uno de mis sueños: El de ser economista se hiciera realidad.
Mil gracias a todas las alumnas desde las más pequeñas, hasta las mayores; a todos los padres de familias y maestros y maestras que me apoyaron y su acompañamiento a lo largo de estos cinco años, que sin conocerme personalmente depositaron una gran confianza en mí. Hice todo cuanto pude y estuvo en mis manos para responder a cada uno de sus esfuerzos a través de mis resultados académicos.
Lic. Bernarda Alemán Urbina
Please receive warm greetings, With these words I want to express my enormous gratitude towards all of you, because thanks to your noble, hard work and dedication to the Margaret Gascoigne scholarship I have been able to complete my university studies successfully. These studies, to me, have been an indispensable opportunity to develop myself as a professional and to benefit my family and community. We are in an era of knowledge, where only people that have a higher education can have access to better jobs. Today, thanks to you, I have knowledge that will allow me to compete in the working market. I will always be in your debt because you allowed my dream of being an economist to come true.
A thousand thanks to all of the Study’s students, young and old; to all of the student parents and teachers that supported me and accompanied me on my 5-year journey through university. You don’t personally know who I am yet you put a lot of faith in me. I worked hard and obtained good grades to respond to your efforts and generosity.
Bernarda Alemán Urbina (graduate)
From Maria Gabriela:
Comité de beca the study
Por medio de la presente me dirijo a ustedes, para agradecer su apoyo a lo largo de estos 5 años de estudios en la universidad, sin duda alguno, sin su colaboración no hubiese sido posible culminar mis metas.
Gracias a Sofía, a su mama y todas las estudiantes de study, que con su apoyo económico y emocional, hicieron posible que llegáramos hasta el final. Aunque fue un proceso muy largo lleno de obstáculos siempre pude alcanzar mis metas pero sin ustedes no hubiese sido posible.
Gracias también al Equipo de dirección del INSTITUTO Diriangen que nos ayudó a ser parte de este programa de beca. Siempre voy a estar agradecida y espero retribuir a mi comunidad todo el apoyo que recibí por parte de ustedes.
Que Dios les bendiga y espero sigan apoyando al Instituto Dirigen y sus alumnos con este programa de becas que va a facilitar y abrir muchas puertas a jóvenes de escaso recursos económicos. Me despido deseándoles muchas bendiciones
To the scholarship committee at The Study Greetings,
Through this letter I address myself to you to thank you for your support throughout these 5 years of university studies. Wihtout you, I know that it would not have been possible for me to achieve my goals.
Thank you to Sofía, her mother and the students of The Study, for your emotional and economic support. Although it was a very long process filled with obstacles I was able to succeed because of your.
Thank you as well to the staff at the Instituto Diriangen, who helped us to be part of this scholarship program. I will always be grateful and I wish to give back to my community to repay all the support I have received.
God bless you and I hope that you keep supporting the Instituto Diriangen and its students with this scholarship that open doors for young, impoverished people. I say goodbye and I wish you the best.
Maria Gabriela Pérez Echaverry
From Cindy:
Comité de Beca (The study)
Montreal- Canada.
Sus manos.
Estimado Comité:
Reciban cordiales saludos y Dios les bendiga.
Por este medio me dirijo a ustedes con el fin de expresarle mis agradecimientos por su apoyo tanto económico (Beca) y moralmente (Dándome animo de superación en mi vida, para culminar mis estudios y demostrar que si se puede), durante estos cinco años.
Este financiamiento que me han brindado significo mucho durante este tiempo ya que me facilito los medios para viajar, tener los folletos necesarios que ocupe en las clases, internet para hacer las investigaciones, en fin fue de mucha ayuda. También al contar con este estipendio fue de gran impacto porque hoy puedo decir que atraves de esto que me ha facilitado los medios, he concluido mis estudios universitarios, sin embargo cabe recalcar que para obtener el título de Licenciada en Banca y Finanzas solo me hace falta terminar un trabajo que ahora estoy realizando y defendenderlo; tan solo estoy a las puertas de ser una Licenciada y estoy motivada, animada, dando mi mayor esfuerzo, empeño y dedicación para la meta final.
Concluyo expresándoles que me siento contenta porque atraves del programa del plan de Becas he aprendido mucho, no solo por el impacto que ha tenido en mi vida sino también en la comunidad, mi familia y el ver a personas como ustedes que no solo me han ayudado a mi sino también a otras muchachas, les agradezco porque me han ayudado a crecer como persona. Mi mama y toda mi familia se siente agradecida por su apoyo y oportunidades que me dieron.
Sin más a que referirme me despido deseándole éxito y bendiciones en sus trabajos, metas o proyecto que tengan. Otra vez muchísimas gracias.
Cindy Briggitte Selva Ríos.
Becaria 2011-2015
Esteemed committee,
Please receive these greetings, and God bless you.
Through this letter I want to express to you my thankfulness for the economic (the scholarship) and moral (for motivating me to develop myself, to complete my studies and for showing me that yes, I can) support you have given me throughout these 5 years.
The financing that you gave me meant a lot during this time as it allowed me to obtain the books necessary for classes, Internet for my research, etc. Also, thanks to this helpful scholarship I have finished my university studies, although I have one more project to finish before I can obtain my degree in Banking and Finance. I am almost there; I am motivated and excited. I am working hard with dedication and concentration to achieve my goal.
To conclude, I’d like to say that I feel happy because through this scholarship program I have learned a lot from the impact it has had on my life, in my community and in my family. Seeing people like you, who have helped me as well as other young women has taught me a lot too. I thank you because you have helped to grow as a person. My mother and my family feel thankful for your support and the opportunities you gave me.
With these words I say goodbye, wishing you success in any job, goal or project you may have. Once again thank you very much.
Cindy Brigitte Selva
Scholarship winner 2011-2015