Open Your Heart Day 2024

This year, February 13 – 16 is Open Your Heart Week. During that week, we will be celebrating our work in Nicaragua.

History of our Partnership with the Diria Institute
The Nicaragua initiative began in 2009 when a then grade 9 student proposed that we adopt a sister school called the Diria Institute in a rural village in Diria, Nicaragua. Since then, our project has expanded to include 3 key elements: a scholarship program, a community service trip and annual school improvements.

During the entire week, we will be raising funds for both the Nicaragua Scholarship and for school improvements at The Diria Institute.

Funds for the Scholarship
Funds for the scholarship can be made online:

As of today, we have sponsored 15 female students who have graduated University and another 11 students who are currently studying. (

Links to the donation can be found here:

February 14
February 14 is Open Your Heart Day. On that day, students will have a Free Dress (recommended donation of $5). The students will also have a rally up in the gym followed by a Toonie Race. Each grade will form a line with their toonies or bills. There will be 2 winning grades (one in the Elementary School and one in the Senior School). The winning grades will get a special prize. All the money raised that day, will go to improving the lives of all students at The Diria Institute. That would include purchasing books, soccer balls, art supplies, etc.

Thanking you in advance for your kind generosity. We can and will chance the world one girl at a time.

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